The organization provides personal and professional growth whilst assisting with problem solving and overcoming barriers to achieving their career and business goals
The Black Women in Business and Professional Network is a movement and not just a group. The BWIBP was founded by sisters Ni-cola and Martina in 2017, they came together through their love, passion and expertise to support fellow Black and dual-heritage /Mixed women entrepreneurs and professionals .
At Black Women In Business and Professionals we believe networking is the key to developing and nurturing your network. Its important to create a support network, ask for referrals and recommendations, attend events, join groups, do what it takes to connect with other business owners and professionals in your local community. Developing a diverse network of contacts provides you with resources for both personal and professional support. BWIBP connects black women business owners to professionals in their network via meetings and events. The organization provides personal and professional growth whilst assisting with problem solving and overcoming barriers to achieving career and business growth.
We create a supportive community of black and mixed female entrepreneurs and professionals where the women can support each other, grow and learn from each others strengths and own businesses.
To strengthen and expand professional and business networks to assist with career progression and business growth.
To become confident in expanding networks and accessing opportunities for career and business growth alongside collaboration and partnerships.
providing personal, professional and business growth whilst assisting with problem solving and overcoming barriers to achieving their career and business goals
We are dedicated to providing a supportive environment for women business owners and professionals . The goal is to create a community of female entrepreneurs where the women can support each other, learn from each others strengths, and grow their businesses.